How can one song just put you back in time?? On the way back from lunch today The Cure's - Just Like Heaven was on in the car and I was immediately right back to my senior year in high school, I could almost even smell Lake Erie. It's like that Kenny Chesney song - I Go Back. I go back so often and I just love how a song can do that.
I've had this idea in my head for the last few years to do a scrapbook album called The Soundtrack of My Life. I've been making a list of songs that really take me back; ("Isn't she lovely" by Stevie Wonder reminds me of when my sister Julie was born. I don't know why but when I hear it I think of being a little 6yr old. The song "Key Largo" by Berttie Higgins reminds me of my Dad, again not sure why but it does. "Crazy for you" by Madonna brings me back to my first boyfriend and there are so many more songs). I want to use 45s and cover them up with cool paper and try to put a picture of me possibly or the other person in that time frame and why it takes me back. Again, I just love how a song can do that.
What song does that for you??
What a fabulous idea! There is definitly a soundtrack to my life, too.
That would be an awesome scrapbook idea for a class1 Are you game? Great inspiration! It would take hours to tell ya the songs that take me back......
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