The 5 Hirning's Happenings

My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rebecca Spinder - This Blog's For You

Okay, so I have a date with a woman tonight!!! Hee hee (not like that though) Where to start? Well, I have ran into Rebecca for almost the last two years in just obscure places (one time 6 hours away from home) and I feel God is really calling us to be friends. We seem to have got connected on Facebook and we just so much in common and I just feel this real connection to her and that we could be great friends. I emailed her last week with my feelings (ooo laa laa) and she said "I know. We should do dinner" So, here we are heading to dinner tonight to see where this will take us. Kind of weird, kind of cool. What do you think about this?? Is this kind of stalkish or well, I mean how do you become friends with new people??? (Am I kind of having friend issues, why do I keep blogging about them??)
Looking froward to tonight and hopefully a new friend!!!!

1 comment:

Michele said...

Don't let those times pass you by, we all need friends that will truly last