The 5 Hirning's Happenings

My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...

Monday, August 11, 2008


This weekend I went through my hope chest and found so many reminders of my life thus far. So many friends that I had forgotten about, but was glad to remember. Friends from work, friends from growing up, school years, friends from California, Pennsylvania, Florida and Montana, male friends, female friends, friends I can't find, friends I still keep in touch with, friends I had a falling out with and don't talk to anymore. After reading so many comments in birthday cards, just because cards, goodbye cards, etc... it has me wondering. What really constitiutes a lasting friend or rather a friendship??? Why do so many friendships just end because you no longer live next door to eachother, or sit next to one another, or just no real reason. They just end. I am always sad when a friendship ends...sometimes no reason. Is it always someones fault or can you just stop having anything in common or any real reason, just 'cause????? Am I confusing every one yet??? I know life gets busy and we don't make time for friendships as often as we should but if you were meant to be friends does that mean you are friends forever. As Michael W. Smith put it so wonderfully "And friends are friends forever if the Lord's the lord of them" so I guess I answered my own question. You may lose touch, stop talking daily, but you are still friends. Right??? Wait, I'm wondering again...

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