Last night when I put Benjamin to bed I explained to him that when he woke up in the morning I wouldn't be home, so if he needed something to go wake up his sisters. He said "why Mommy?" in his sweet little voice and I told him I had to go to work in the morning but that I would be home after lunch. He looked at me with his BIG beautiful eyes with tears in them and said "but Mommy who will pour my cereal?". OUCH! It broke my heart, he is right. I should quit my job so I can pour his cereal and get him anything else he needs, right?? That is what Mommys do, that's our job. Does anyone have a job I can do from home making BIG bucks, wait aren't we all looking for that? It's just so hard...this working & Mommy thing, how do so many of you do it? It's just so hard...
you hit it right on the head...I didn't even read your title but when I read the story the first word out of my mouth was "ouch". I totally get it.
don't have any suggestions for big bucks jobs...I've got the work-at-home job, but being a slave to corporate America almost makes it worth trying to find an office job. Maybe when the photography studio takes off you can design albums for me from home? Can't guarantee big bucks, tho'
When you figure out the secret to making big bucks at home, pass it on to me, okay?!
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