We were going to head to the beach today with the Blair's (Sara, Greg, Zach, Nicky & Katie) but we wake up to dreary Erie and rain. Ugh! Dan goes to Mighty Fine Donuts and brings us back some chocolate frosting with angel cream - yum! My cousin, John, calls from Iraq. It is so great to talk to him! I wish he was home and we were able to spend time with him. Then he does a video conference and I get to see him. So awesome - I am so proud of all he does for our country! Sara and I then head off to get pedicures. We then pick up Dan and the kids and head off to Barbado's for lunch - pizza balls and wings! We then head up to the Millcreek Mall and Sara and I get our eyebrows waxed and Dan and the kids take off. I then think that Erin Callahan (Spinelli now - but my best friend from grade school) works in the eye department of Sears. Sara and I walk down there and there she is! It was great to see her. Haven't seen her in over 20 years - we try to plan to get together but doesn't seem it'll work this trip! Head back towards Aunt Mary Kay's and get ready for the beginning of reunion stuff to happen. We drop the kids off at Kevin and Tracy's as they are gonna spend the night with them so we can hang at the Plymouth. Dan parks it in a booth with Greg, Jeff(Greg's brother) and Lindsey (Jeff's wife). I was nervous, not sure how to feel. What if I walk in and don't recognize anyone? What if no on recognizes me?? Okay, breathe in and breathe out and walk on over. Have a blast the minute I do, great to see everyone. A little weird when Stacy & Kurt get there. Finally walk over and say a few words to her and shake Kurt's hand - shake Kurt's hand? I hug people from my class I didn't even know or really like and I shake Kurt's hand? Oh well, the moment is over. One of my classmates husbands, mind you that I don't know well, tells me a very, very personal story - don't really wanta share it but pretty bad to just be talking about to anyone. We then head down to the Sloppy Duck with a bunch of others. I had a lot to drink but surprisingly don't feel a thing. Good ready for the next day! Get home around 2am.
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