The 5 Hirning's Happenings

My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 2 - State Tourney

Dan woke up this morning at 5:30 to go fishing. Hannah's first game isn't till 1:15 - the KOA is tye dying t-shirts this morning so we bought the kids a tshirt and let them have some fun. Swim for a little bit before we head to the game. Grab some lunch at our favorite take out place - Costco! Girls beat the Electric City Heat 15-3 and then Great Falls Selects Green team 13-8. Dennis and JoAnn get to Bozeman around noon. Brittney hit a foul play that landed in my lap - ouch! We have dinner with Jen & Callie at Santa Fe Reds. The girls then get to play under the lights. First time, pretty exciting! Lose the game 5-12. Stinks they lose but means we can get on the road tomorrow! Allergies were horrible today!

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