The 5 Hirning's Happenings

My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Life Has Been So Busy & Crazy

I just can't believe how busy things can be. I know a big part of it is that we make it that way but...geez. Last week was a horrible, horrible week. The weekend before was just so crazy that probably didn't help matters. Homecoming, football games, soccer games...Dan trying to get ready to leave for the week. Iris, his van, was having a little issue with her brakes so I didn't want Dan driving her through the passes so I told him to leave her and take Mike, my van. (I know we are goofy to name our vans...after we got two we just found it easier to tell the kids to "get in Mike" or "get in Iris" versus get in the van). I planned to take his van in to have the problem checked out. Well there was a loose screw, they screwed that in and then lo and behold the reverse didn't work any longer! Coincidence or timing??? Still not sure. So I drove a van with no reverse all week. Boy, don't take your reverse for granted. I had to really plan out any trip anywhere. Work: I can't park in the parking lot I have to park on the street, so I have to plan to turn down the street before to get around because of the way the parking is around here. Grocery store I have to pull ahead and park away from everyone so no one gets too close. Home I have to drive home another way so I don't accidentally park in the driveway. UGH!!! My brain hurts!!! Anyway, we are trying to get someone to look at it and let us know if the brake shop could be at fault and how cheap of a repair it is (ha, ha). Once Dan got back to Missoula he had football games to ref ~ tis the season. Dan refs high school football games, if you didn't know. So he really hasn't been around much. Dan's great uncle passed away two weeks ago and the family had put off his service an extra week just because, well, they did and his wife ended up passing away last week. So the kids and I went to a double funeral service on Saturday morning (it was so sad)~ no Dan, reffing. Our neighbor who has colon cancer was in the hospital with a blockage and it wasn't looking good. Emily was sick. I didn't feel good ~ sore throat, achy body. I had a bad week with the girls. Attitudes, being nice to each other/me and school work. Work was a little off last week too. I was just a freakin wreck. Such a cry baby. I could cry at the drop of, well, anything. The house was a mess, because we weren't really home and laundry piled up, I had grocery shopping to do, Benjamin needed a haircut. Three different soccer practices, thank God no school board meetings.

Well, I am trying to move forward, make some lists and get some projects accomplished. Especially outside since the cold weather will be here before you know it. Hoping we get the car issue figured out soon. But on a sad, sad note. We called Greg, our vet/friend, and we are planning on early next week to put Sebastian down. It is just time. We told the girls last night and I am going to get "Dog Heaven" (thanks Sarah) and we will tell Benjamin sometime this week. 14 years of memories...


Anonymous said...

Just remember that this all will pass...and keep praying through the midst of it, even if it feels like you don't have the time...of course, I will be prayinig for you, too. Sometimes, it doesn't matter what the issues are, it is just that there are sooo many of them at one time!

Carrie Godfrey said...

so sorry. I hate those weeks when you feel like you can't add another thing in. I hope that you have a better one this week!

Michele said...

oh man :( when it rains it pours...if you need any thing let me know.

Angela said...

I want to reach through my computer and give you a big hug.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you have had a crummy week. I am sure it will get has to! Otherwise you will turn into to me and you don't want to be a constant complainer! :) Get the will help all of you! I will be thinking about you all!!!!