The 5 Hirning's Happenings

My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...

Monday, September 22, 2008

How Do You Make The Call??

Sebastian, mine and Dan's first baby, is getting closer and closer to the end. But, how do you make the call???? Sebastian, "Old Man" as we nicknamed him a few years back is atleast 15-16 years old. He has lived a great life. Has lived through 3 babies, a cat and a big chocolate lab puppy. He has been cranky for a couple of years now, thus the "Old Man" nickname. His eyes are almost all the way glassed over, he can't hear and Dan thinks he is peeing downstairs now. If that is the case the call will have to be made soon, we can't have that going on. But he has been our best friend for so many years now, a part of our life. How do we just make the call to say goodbye?? God could help us out by just taking him, but would that be easier? Most likely it would happen when Dan is gone and I wouldn't know what to do. Every night when he falls asleep on Hannah's bed I wonder, "will he wake up tomorrow morning?". Our vet won't even help us out and give us a shove in that direction. He wants us to make the call. Ugh! What a hard day that will be, but when will it be?? How do you say goodbye to a friend??


Kaylene said...

Oh, it's such a hard thing. We get so attached to our furry friends. We had a cat for over 16 years, neither my mom or dad could take him to be put to sleep (same thing, peeing, couldn't see or hear) so when we were gone on vacation my grandpa took him in. Maybe call Carrie Heaphy, she had to put down her dog she and Ike had since they were dating, their first baby too. I'm sure she could help you out. My heart aches for you, I'm sorry. They really become part of the family.

Anonymous said...

That truly is a tough thing. I am thinking about you all, I know it is hard to have to think and worry about it. When the time does come...may I recommend the book "Dog Heaven" by Cynthia Rylant. When I was student teaching I had to have my sweet cat put to sleep. The teacher I was working with gave me "Cat Heaven" and even though it is meant for children, it was good for me too! Hope you are are well!!!!