The 5 Hirning's Happenings

My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...

Sunday, September 21, 2008


This weekend is a BIG weekend here in Missoula. University of Montana Homecoming. The GRIZ were playing UC-Davis and won 29-25. It was a scary last few minutes but we won. Also, we hit a record attendance at the game with 25,209 fans. There is nothing like Washington Grizzly stadium on a Saturday game day!

We always have to hit the parade before the game. This year Emily was marching in the parade with Red Wave - the middle school band. They do not have oboes in marching bands so she had to play the bells. Benjamin and Hannah decorated their candy bags and were ready to get some candy. Benny the Bull came through with Monte (UM mascot) and Benjamin was gone, hiding behind Daddy's legs. We sure thought after he became friends with Ollie this summer that things would be different with Monte, but he still scares him. Benny the Bull (mascot from the Chicago Bulls), for all you outside of our state, is the old Monte so it is always awesome when he comes home!!! Benjamin thought Benny was crazy! He just kept saying it. He was driving the motorcycle like a wild man. This morning I explained to Benjamin that Monte and Benny are just guys in a costume. He just looked at me. "Really Mom. Just guys dressed up?"

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