The 5 Hirning's Happenings

My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Advent Conspiracy

Many of you may have seen this as I posted it on my facebook page but this is so amazing and so scary to think about. But, is it really? Look at what happened this week as a 34 yr old holiday worker at a NY Wal Mart was trampled to death as shoppers just tried to get to the good deals first. How sad. What has our lives, or this world, turned in to that others safety is not first over us getting more stuff. Stuff! Do we not remember that we can't take it with us? As I purchse the few gifts we are giving this year ~ I will think of people going without food, water, I will think of the worker tht was killed for stuff and I will focus on giving from the heart and if I don't know what to get someone I'm not just going to buy stuff. It has to have meaning or really what is the meaning of giving it?

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