Okay, I am going to be totally honest on this blog. Hold myself accountable, you know? I feel fat today! Why this day? I am sitting here and my pants are tight, I am so upset with myself. Dan and I were doing the Body For Life Program this year and were doing great! We both lost weight, inches, felt great, slept great, went to the YMCA everyday and then *boom*. It stops and now that I am working I am really using that as a crutch and an excuse. How do I fit it all in? Motherhood, working 35+ hours, being a loving wife, household duties,without going crazy???? I had gone down one size and was feeling positive (well, atleast, a little) about myself and now I feel like a BIG pig (sorry girls hope you aren't reading this and getting body image issues from your old mom). What to do??? Today I went for a nice walk at lunch and ate a Lean Cuisine (it was yummy).
Well, here is a photo of all of us this year doing the Riverbank Run when we were being "healthy". We did the 5k PLUS the 1 mile fun run. Benjamin even ran the 5k!!!!!!!!!!
Your so funny, I HATE anything tight. Where are you working now? I don't think I knew that you had a different job.
Hi there Kelley. So good to hear from you. I'm glad to know that others have that fat feeling, although, you look GREAT! Did Sandy re-marry? I really want to come visit this summer.
So you wanted to know about those recipes...They're digital recipes (I'm kind of into digi scrapping now). Just download them and print them off to make a recipe book. They are all in 8 X 10 format so they're really easy to print out.
Ah...I can SOOOO relate. But I think this photo is fabulous...you must have a GREAT photographer (ha ha ha!!!!!) Love the blog...one of these days I'll have one, too!
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