The 5 Hirning's Happenings

My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Sunday was "Fodders Day" as Benjamin put it. Hope it was a happy day to all those "Fodders" out there. We didn't make it to church because we were being lazy...again. Dan made breakfast for him and me, I tried to explain to him he isn't supposed to do that, but whatever. I took Benjamin over to the water park by our house and Dan took the girls to the batting cages, All Star tryouts are on Monday. Dan then dropped the girls off to the park and me and the kids hung out and gave Daddy some alone time, yep, just him & Tiger (Tiger Woods that is). We then had some sirloin steaks on the grill and I had bought Dan some lobster claws for his day. It was a yummy meal!!!

The kids are so blessed to have Dan in their lives. You read or see about divorces everyday and it just breaks my heart for thos families. I just watch Dan and the kids and I want to cry, they are so lucky to have such a good "Daddy", I just hope they realize it!!!!

Benjamin's definition of a "FODDER":
B: "Mommy, did you know that Jeff Gordon is a fodder?"
M: "He is?"
B: "Yep"
M: "Buddy what is a fodder?"
B: stops and thinks, "Mom a fodder is someone, someone that has someone, you know"
There you go folks, the definition to a "fodder" by a 5yr old.

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