The 5 Hirning's Happenings
My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Weekend Flew By
Boy did this weekend just fly by or what? We were busy. Saturday AM I had my yard sale (I made a little over $100 not bad for just basically selling clothes). After that dropped off all the stuff to Good Will or the Childrens Shelter. (Dan was at Rita's funeral). Benjamin than had a birthday party to go to at Currents and then we met up with everyone (Dennis & JoAnn included) at the movies to see Wall-E. Headed to Applebee's for some din, din and the day was over! Sunday we met Dennis & JoAnn again (breakfast) and then Dan and I headed to drop off the girls near Big Fork and stopped and did some grocery shopping and *phew* again, the day was over! Emily is now gone for the week so I don't have to worry about getting her to practice this week. Hannah is having her birthday sleepover tonight so it will be a busy one once I clock out for the day!!!Thank you God it's only a 4 day week!!!! God Bless America!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Drop Off
Friday, June 27, 2008
My Boy What A Joy

Last night Benjamin said "Mom, can I tell you something?" (he says this daily, anytime he wants to tell me anything). "Sure Bud" says me. "Can you sleep with me tonight?" I have never done this before. I told him I couldn't, Daddy would be sad without me. He told me he was sad without me plus he said he was scared. "Scared of what", I asked. He tells me "when I put my hand down there, I feel a monster and it makes me scared". I was scared to ask him what the heck he talking about, needless to say we prayed and kissed and I went to bed in my own bed. Yikes!!!! Here are some photos my friend Dawn surprised me with before Mothers Day. Look at my boy's beautiful face!!!! I could eat him up!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I Feel Fat!!!!

Well, here is a photo of all of us this year doing the Riverbank Run when we were being "healthy". We did the 5k PLUS the 1 mile fun run. Benjamin even ran the 5k!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
6 unimportant things about me
Michele tagged me to answer 6 unimportant things about me, so here you go.
1. I buy and read "People" magazine every week.
2. I am on a golf team, yet I have only golfed once this year. (May not make it again either :)
3. I went to an All Girl, Catholic High School.
Boy this is hard. Everything about me is so important...NOT. Okay, I'll get back to the job at hand.
4. I don't like to be tickled.
5. I started scrapbooking in 1994, before it was cool.
and finally
6. I can't go outside with flip flops on if my toe nails aren't painted (or if they are chipped)
I can't tag anyone else because pretty much I would tag all the people you did Michele. So I'll just check everyone elses blogs to see their answers. There you go things you didn't need to know about Kelley but now you do...
1. I buy and read "People" magazine every week.
2. I am on a golf team, yet I have only golfed once this year. (May not make it again either :)
3. I went to an All Girl, Catholic High School.
Boy this is hard. Everything about me is so important...NOT. Okay, I'll get back to the job at hand.
4. I don't like to be tickled.
5. I started scrapbooking in 1994, before it was cool.
and finally
6. I can't go outside with flip flops on if my toe nails aren't painted (or if they are chipped)
I can't tag anyone else because pretty much I would tag all the people you did Michele. So I'll just check everyone elses blogs to see their answers. There you go things you didn't need to know about Kelley but now you do...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Splash Montana
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Kelley's Deep thought for the day
I've been reading this book called "Things I Want My Daughters to Know". Kind of depressing, a mom of four daughters aged 14 - 30 is dying of cancer and she writes letters to her daughters telling them things, well, that she wants them to know. She also leaves them a diary of posts about their lives and times together. It has me so much thinking about my "just in case" scrapbook I hope to make with some friends this fall for the kids. "Just in case" something was to happen to me for them to know how I felt about them, their dad, their life, my life, their futures, my wishes...the whole kit and kaboodle! Just ever since Tracy's death I know I need to get this done and that I will feel good to know that it is done. It's not a pretty job but somebody needs to do it and that someone is me.
BUNCO tonight - yeah, I NEED some ME time and fun!!!
BUNCO tonight - yeah, I NEED some ME time and fun!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
This has been a busy week (which one hasn't lately). Hannah started Band Camp (one time at Band Camp...) this week. She is learning the cello. Also she starts piano lessons today. The girls tried out for All Stars for Softball and they both made the team. What this will mean for us is lots of money & travelling but what a great experience for them. Emily had a good bye party for a friend yesterday at Splash Montana and she heads to the lake this w/e with another friend, she has also had softballl practice every night. My poor white girl is turning red from all the time outside, it doesn't matter how much sunscreen she uses!!!!! Benjamin had a tball game & pics last night and another game tonight AND I am trying to get my stuff together for a yard sale this w/e!!! How the heck is that ever going to happen!!! I will put in 32 hours at the office (still seems weird to say), should have golfed on golf league but got a sub and should have had a School Board meeting and then Dan started his gig for the Osprey!!!! Whew!!!!
Hope everyone else has the chance to just sit and enjoy the summer like's finally here!
Hope everyone else has the chance to just sit and enjoy the summer like's finally here!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday was "Fodders Day" as Benjamin put it. Hope it was a happy day to all those "Fodders" out there. We didn't make it to church because we were being lazy...again. Dan made breakfast for him and me, I tried to explain to him he isn't supposed to do that, but whatever. I took Benjamin over to the water park by our house and Dan took the girls to the batting cages, All Star tryouts are on Monday. Dan then dropped the girls off to the park and me and the kids hung out and gave Daddy some alone time, yep, just him & Tiger (Tiger Woods that is). We then had some sirloin steaks on the grill and I had bought Dan some lobster claws for his day. It was a yummy meal!!!
The kids are so blessed to have Dan in their lives. You read or see about divorces everyday and it just breaks my heart for thos families. I just watch Dan and the kids and I want to cry, they are so lucky to have such a good "Daddy", I just hope they realize it!!!!
Benjamin's definition of a "FODDER":
B: "Mommy, did you know that Jeff Gordon is a fodder?"
M: "He is?"
B: "Yep"
M: "Buddy what is a fodder?"
B: stops and thinks, "Mom a fodder is someone, someone that has someone, you know"
There you go folks, the definition to a "fodder" by a 5yr old.
The kids are so blessed to have Dan in their lives. You read or see about divorces everyday and it just breaks my heart for thos families. I just watch Dan and the kids and I want to cry, they are so lucky to have such a good "Daddy", I just hope they realize it!!!!
Benjamin's definition of a "FODDER":
B: "Mommy, did you know that Jeff Gordon is a fodder?"
M: "He is?"
B: "Yep"
M: "Buddy what is a fodder?"
B: stops and thinks, "Mom a fodder is someone, someone that has someone, you know"
There you go folks, the definition to a "fodder" by a 5yr old.
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