The 5 Hirning's Happenings
My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I want a boring life
Okay, I know there are people out there that have boring lifes, nothing ever happens to them. I would love to try that life. Sunday night we went to some friends for dinner (I will not mention their names to protect the innocent & the guilty) and we had a real nice time when we went to leave we realized that their son had drived into the back of Mike, our van. Ugh! He was in a Suburban and probably didn't feel a think but Mike got pretty beat up and is not drivable since his back light is hanging! The adjuster said he would get to look at it between Wednesday and next Monday. What?? We have to wait a week for him to even look at the damage? We had driven it to our body shop, well the body shop we use quite often since our life can't be boring! We have now been waiting for Enterprise to bring us a rental car and that hasn't happened yet. We have 3 cars; Mike - beat up, Iris - only drives in one direction and Fred. Oh, Fred. So Fred's gas gauge is not working and last night Emily and were driving down Hillview to the YMCA and all of a sudden the battery light came on and the car felt weird. I am driving down a slippery Hillview and the brakes aren't working...I am freaking out but just trying to stay calm and listening to Emily tell me about her day at school. I finally got Fred to stop and put it in park and tried to start it. Nothing. I call Dan, "could Fred be out of gas?", he thinks it could be. Ugh! Atleast the gas station was across the street. So we leave Fred in the middle of the street and walk over to the gas station, of course they don't have a gas can we can borrow only one we can buy. I think we now own 4-5, we don't need another one. One of the guys working says he will help push Fred across the street to the station. I look at Emily and then remember to tell the guy that I can't help push because I cannot have Emily behind the wheel since she has already done that and hit another car. The guy just looks at me. I'm like "that's a whole nother story". Well, they, Emily and the gas station guy pushed us across the street and then kind of got stuck in a little rut so then, finally, 4 other guys popped out of no where and helped push me to the pump. We filled up and drove off! Oy!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Life in the slow lane
I don't really have anything upbeat or different to blog about today but I don't like that last blog being the last thing I have to say. So, I am going to blog today about those funny kids of ours. On Sunday, Benjamin asked as we were going to church why everyone doesn't go to church. I told him some people have different relationships with God and that some people don't believe in God, you should have seen his face. He just couldn't comprehend that one! Emily went away on a Middle School Ski Trip last weekend with church. She is always silly 'cause she expects us to just sit around and not have a life while she is gone. Hannah and I scrapbooked Sebastian and made her a cute page of pics she loved of him and then framed it. Em was so upset we did this without her. I asked what she wanted us to do while she was gone and she says "oh, yeah, of course, you have nothing to do while I'm not here to torture". MY thoughts exactly...whatever!
Friday, January 23, 2009
The "TIME" of my Life
So the song by Green Day - The Time of your life - I really love that song. But I was really listening to the words the other day and realized I am not living the "TIME" of my life. My mind has been just be going and going lately. I wake up at around 2 every night and don't fall back to sleep, I feel like I am a walking zombie! I want so many different things in my life, I'll keep atleast 4 of things I currently have ~ Dan, Emily, Hannah and Benjamin but I want to simplify my life. My life currently feels like it is a downward spiral and I am not sure how much longer I can go on like this. I am having real problems working a Monday - Friday 8ish to 5ish job. I feel like I am such a failure to my little guy. Benjamin is always asking me why I don't come and read in his class like all the other Mommies. I have tears in my eyes right now blogging this. I have been there for him his whole life and now we are such financial ruins at the moment that I have to work every second I can. I want to be there for my my guy and the girls. I haven't done anything for them at school this year and that is hard, that is not me. I am the one that is the PTA president, not currently, but, the Mom involved and in the school. I want to sell our house, no, I don't want to sell our house I know we need to sell our house. I want to move back to the area where we came from so Benjamin can go to another school - a school where I feel comfortable and loved. Every new year I think I'll get better and send birthday cards out on time. I'll lose that 50 pounds this year. We will eat healthier. I will read the Bible or a devotional daily. I will, I will, I will. I DON'T! I don't follow through with squat, I am tired of this. I want more from my life. Should I go back to school, I feel like the biggest loser in the world for not having a degree. (but then I did see a special last week on 20/20 and there is a lot of talk that a degree isn't always the right thing for everyone). UGH! I am about to explode. I am not having a mid life crisis, I am opening my eyes and realizing how things need to change. Need to simplify!
Sorry this is such a depressing post! I had to get it out!
Sorry this is such a depressing post! I had to get it out!
Monday, January 19, 2009
No More Screwing Around
this is the year! Yesterday I started the program "Couch to 5k" in 9 weeks if I follow their instructions I should be able to run a 5k. I am going to do the 5k for the Riverbank Run in April and I am hoping to continue after that with training and such and run the Missoula Marathon, well the 1/2 marathon in July! This is something I have wanted to do before I turned 40, I have a few years before then but no time like the present, right? Also, my 20th Class Reunion is a few weeks after the marathon, can't think of a better way to get in shape. We have "encouraged" Emily to do this with me, not the marathon part, but the training and RiverBank Run. So her and I headed to the YMCA yesterday and met Maureen and kicked it off! Wish me luck! I will blog my progress. Yesterday was 5 minutes of brisk walking and then alternating 60 seconds running and 90 seconds walking for a total of 20 minutes. It wasn't bad, it wasn't bad. Well, yet!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
What happened to Happy Endings in Hollywood?
I have seen four movies in the last three weeks and they have all brought me to tears. What the heck Hollywood? What has happened to happy endings in movies? I give them all two thumbs up but I am tired of crying. I want to leave a theater happy and even have my sides hurt since I laughed so much. I am looking forward to February 6th when "He's Just Not That Into You" comes out. A star studded cast and it just looks cheesey, lovey enough that I'll love it BUT someone did bring to my attention that I still may shed a tear or two. Argh!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Where have all the bloggers gone?
So I know I have not been blogging like I used to. Honestly, I play on facebook too much. But, what about all my other bloggin' friends? Most of the blogs I read daily haven't been updated since December or even November. What has happened to this form of communication? Dan is even upset that no one has even commented on our blog in months. Where have all the bloggers gone?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The Floridian Returns to Snow

My mom flew in on Christmas and stayed with us till the 30th. Dan had some frequesnt flier miles and we were able to, basically, get her a free ticket. I know it has been awhile since my Mom has really been around snow, she likes to say she left Erie for a reason. I prayed and prayed we would have a white Christmas, not just for her but just cause I love em! Well, we got lots of snow the week before. She was so "excited" - NOT!
The kids were very excited Busia (BOO Shaw), Grandma in Polish, was coming. They don't get to see her too often. Dan built or manuevered a little bedroom downstairs for her, it actually turned out pretty cute and I told him to not take it down so some night when he is snoring I can head down there to sleep instead of the couch. It was a pretty laid back visit, we did a little shopping, a lot of eating, saw two movies (Marley & Me and The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button), played some Wii and just got to hang out.
Christmas Hirning Style

This Christmas was the biggest Christmas our kids ever had, and we are the brokest (is that a word?) we have ever been BUT we kind of had some money we had to spend on fun gadgets (long story) so the kids lucked out. Christmas eve we headed to church for the Childrens Service and then we usually come home and have an appetizer type dinner and open presents from us. Benjamin was so excited to get ready and the first present he picked to unwrap I thought "oh no he won't be that excited" - it was a $1 Hot Rod Calendar. Boy, was I wrong! He was so excited. Then when he got to pick his second, see we watch each person unwrap the gift and then it goes on to the next person to unwrap and so on, I was concerned again but he was soooo excited for his "Nascar Brown Sugar Pop Tarts" a box just for him. The kids had one BIG present togther to open from Grandma & Grandpa and there was one present to them from us as well. We decided to have them open the one from G & G. Rock Band for the Wii. I get tears in my eyes thinking back to the moment they opened it and realized the other box was a Wii. They were screaming. It was pretty exciting and so great to see them so happy & grateful.
I've included pictures of Christmas Eve: Benjamin and his $1 calendar, the opening of Rock Band and playing, Benjamin changing his pjs to wear his new Lego Star Wars pjs and Benjamin spreading the reindeer food out in the yard.
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