Awww, Chief Charlo Elementary School - It's my Cheers - a place I can walk into and everyone walking around is like "Kelley" with smiles on their faces or "Good to see you Kelley" or "Hey Kelley" or "How's Emily" or "Hannah" or "Benjamin". Yes, even Benjamin even though he never attended Chief Charlo he was a prescence at that school. Benjamin was in a car seat at many PTA meetings or helping in his sisters classes, he crawled around the school and knew his way around. The secretary, the lovely Mrs Zinne, would tease him and taunt him to answer the phone and take her job and I can remember as clear as the day he picked up the phone and said "Chief Charlo School". Cheryl didn't tease him to do that again! Emily was blessed to go there for her whole elementary career and Hannah did through third grade. I would love for Benjamin to go to school there but we know live in a different school area. I'm hoping that if our house sells, it will be officially on the market Monday - June 1st, that we can get back that way and that can be Benjamin's school. He will do just fine there - he knows a lot of the shiny faces. The elementary school Hannah and Benjamin now attend just doesn't feel like home to me - I've tried to get involved a bit and still - I miss Chief Charlo - where everybody knows my name and they're always glad I came.