I remember the first night we brought Hannah home from the hospital. It was horrible! Dan was working for Pizza Hut then and had to head to Hamilton for a meeting. He brought Hannah and I home from the hospital with Big Sister Emily and LEFT. Well, left for his meeting. I wasn't feeling that great and here I was alone with two little ones. Emily immediately started puking. Puking everywhere! This was before we had cell phones I couldn't call Dan and tell him he wasn't going to that meeting and to get home...PRONTO! I remember trying to get Emily to throw up in a bucket - it didn't work. She was puking everywhere. Hannah was bawling. I was on the floor trying to clean up the mess and bawling myself. Once Dan got home we were up all night. Either feeding the baby (Hannah) or changing sheets for Emily. It was not fun. Thank goodness we don't have nights like that anymore.
Baby Hannah has turned the BIG 1-2 today. She is turning into an amazing young woman. She is a good athlete, student, musician, friend, daughter and, sometimes, sister. Hard to believe that not that long ago she was a little one in my arms and she still continues to want to be in my arms - I think it's that middle child syndrome. She is a sweet girl and we are so happy God gave us her.
Happy Birthday Baby Girl! I love you - Mommy
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