How does that old 70's song go "Oh, what a night?". Well our theme song for 2009 should be "Oh, what a year". It has not been the best year for this group of Hirnings but as Dan and I reminisce it has been quite the adventure.
One of the most adventurous things we did this year was take a drive 2,000 + miles to the East (and then 2,000 + back West). We headed back to Erie (PA) for my 20th Class Reunion. I know, I don't seem that old! In July we got in our trusty mini van and headed to Bozeman, MT for the softball state tourney that Hannah was pitching in and then as soon as we were done there we headed out on the road. What an adventure it was...we didn't have a set schedule for the trip. I mean we knew when we needed to be there and when we hoped to get home by but no real schedule. We stopped and saw the Spam Museum in Minnesota (very entertaining and free) , we spent time at the National Football Hall of Fame in Ohio and also went past Erie to take the kids to Niagara Falls. On our way home we spent time in Chicago, IL and went to Mt Rushmore (in South Dakota). Did I mention that we camped in a tent almost the whole trip? We even got to spend a week in Erie and had so much fun catching up with old friends and family and for me to be able to play tour guide and really show them all what my hometown has to offer! (The Erie Zoo, chicken wings, Wahldameer, Smith hot dogs, the dock, The Plymouth for a lunch or two, pepperoni balls, Whippy Dip, ...)
This year with the way the economy is we decided it would be more beneficial for us to put our house on the market. After five long months it sold. We spent Thanksgiving break moving to a rental where we know reside (125 B Grandview Way, Missoula, MT 59803. Phone number stayed the same 406-251-2143) and yes, it is the same street we lived on before we built. Kinda funny.
This fall we had to put our Sadie Girl down. Our chocolate lab, who wasn't even five yet, started having seizures that just continually got worse till she was just so out of it. It was a horrible experience and very hard on all of us. The kids have never known life without a dog and it is still hard. I miss that big goofy dog and you never know how much a dog really cleans up your floor till they are gone!
I am still in search of the perfect job for me and for our busy family. With some changes that have happened this year - I have made a huge decision and will be partaking in the BIGGEST adventure as I will be starting school in January. I am hoping to become a Radiology Technician but have some prerequisites to attend to before I really need to pick a field or major. Nervous, anxious and excited - all at the same time.
Emily turned 14 yesterday and I registered her for *gulp* high school last week. She is still playing her oboe and also continued to play soccer and softball this year. She started volleyball and is really enjoying that. She also was on the Honor Roll. She continues to push me to the limit but she's a teenage girl - that's her job right??
Hannah is now 11 and started middle school this fall. She is in a quartet with her cello and is also taking cello lessons. This summer she got involved in the Lady Osprey which is a travelling softball team. Almost every weekend we were sleeping in a tent in some town in MT while Hannah pitched her little heart out. (we even camped in the pouring rain for a whole weekend and survived). Hannah continued to play soccer and basketball. She has joined Student Council and also was on the Honor Roll! We are very proud of the young lady she is becoming.
Benjamin will be 7 in February. Where did my Baby Boy go? I showed him a picture last week of this cute little baby boy that used to live with us. He was like "Mom, that's me", I explained to him it couldn't be that he was too old. He is in the first grade and has become quite the reader. His teacher told me he hurries through his work too fast. She said "I can't be mad at him though. He doesn't do it to disrupt the class. He does it so he can get back to reading a book." He played soccer and t-ball this year. Even though t-ball bored him too much - he is ready to get kids out and run to second base when he gets the good hit. Next year little buddy! He has really become the sports fan this year and cheers on the Steelers, Broncos, GRIZ, Gators, Cardinals and still loves Nascar - see he is quite the fan he can't even pick a team! Oh, he also become a Boy Scout this year and is loving it!
Dan is still working for QSP (the school fundraising) and this summer worked again for our Minor League baseball team and also delivered newspapers. He says he caught a pretty big fish this summer but the picture shows another guy holding the fish he "claims" to have caught, so who really knows. He assists with Hannah's softball team and is attending Boy Scout events with Benjamin.
I stepped down from the Missoula County Public School board this year and it was the best decision ever. Life is more enjoyable now! Also, a bunch of us Soccer moms started our own soccer team and played this summer. We had a blast and I can't wait for next summer! Overall, I am just ready for 2010 to get here. It has to be a better year and I can't wait for the next adventure...
Love, Dan, Kelley, Emily, Hannah & Benjamin Hirning
The 5 Hirning's Happenings
My thoughts & happenings in the life of the Hirning's that I want to share with the world...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
I <3 Love this Town!

Friday night the Grizzlies were in Chatanooga getting ready to play Villanova in The FCS Championship Football game. The game was set to start at 6pm MST. All day, well, all week, people were stoked. So excited. Every morning Benjamin would wake up and say is today Friday yet?? You go out and you would see people decked out in their GRIZ gear, cars had their GRIZ flags out the windows, signs all over town were cheering the Grizzlies I love this town. You get so excited. So anxious. What a season the Grizzlies had this year. 14 and 0.
Friday night I ran down to grab some pizzas and neccesities for Emily's little gathering here for her birthday. It was 5:25. The game was starting soon. I ran into Little Caesar's - they said they are more busy for a game like this than Super Bowl. I then ran into Albertsons and everyone is hustling and bustling, and wearing their maroon! It was just electric and exciting! I was in the store about 10 minutes and I saw 10 people I knew - all different people from different scenarios in my world. Just weird but again, exciting. We all had beer or chips in our arms trying to get to the check out and get home to watch the BIG game. I just love how Missoula is this great little football town and how we love our GRIZ here.
The GRIZ lost 23-21 but still was a fun way to get the town together and excited for something. Now bring on Christmas...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Where The Heck Have I Been?
I cannot believe I haven't blogged in over three months! What the heck! Where have I been? Here, there and everywhere. Life has not been super pleasant these last few months, I think that is why I haven't been around. Like Thumper says if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.
We did sell the house and moved the beginning of this month to a rental back on Grandview (we lived on Grandview before we built and moved to Avon). The kids are still attending their schools even though we are now out of that area - trying hard to keep them put till the end of the school year but not sure how long it will work. We drive them to school every day and pick them up every day. Hannah has adjusted so well to middle school and is so involved in her school I seriously do not want to move her, but it may come down to that. In October Sadie started having seizures and it kind of went down hill from there. We had to, I say WE but it ended up being me, put her down a few weeks later. It was so horrible. She wasn't even 5. It's been a little easier, atleast for me, that we moved. Not use to hearing or seeing her here so that really has helped that void. Putting down two dogs in a year is not something I suggest for anyone - so not fun and so hard to do. So many other crappy things have happened. 2009 was just not our year.
15 more days in the year of 2009 - Please 2010 come quickly...It HAS to be a better year for the Hirnings. I promise to start blooging more these days...
We did sell the house and moved the beginning of this month to a rental back on Grandview (we lived on Grandview before we built and moved to Avon). The kids are still attending their schools even though we are now out of that area - trying hard to keep them put till the end of the school year but not sure how long it will work. We drive them to school every day and pick them up every day. Hannah has adjusted so well to middle school and is so involved in her school I seriously do not want to move her, but it may come down to that. In October Sadie started having seizures and it kind of went down hill from there. We had to, I say WE but it ended up being me, put her down a few weeks later. It was so horrible. She wasn't even 5. It's been a little easier, atleast for me, that we moved. Not use to hearing or seeing her here so that really has helped that void. Putting down two dogs in a year is not something I suggest for anyone - so not fun and so hard to do. So many other crappy things have happened. 2009 was just not our year.
15 more days in the year of 2009 - Please 2010 come quickly...It HAS to be a better year for the Hirnings. I promise to start blooging more these days...
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